
TymeBank and PayFast have partnered to offer you MoreTyme

MoreTyme is a flexible payment method from TymeBank that
allows shoppers to buy now and pay in full later, literally giving
customers more time to pay for their purchases.

How does MoreTyme work?

● The buyer needs to be registered with TymeBank and must have at least 50%
of the total purchase amount in their Everyday MoreTyme account.
● On the PayFast payment page, the buyer selects the MoreTyme payment
option and scans the QR code with their TymeBank app on their smartphone.
● Upon purchase, 50% of the purchase price is debited from their bank account.
● The remaining two payments will be deducted in 30 days (25%) and 60 days
(25%) from their TymeBank account.
● The short term credit is interest free for consumers, as long as instalment
paids are made when due.

A MoreTyme purchase amount can be anything between R50 and R25,000.